Query Docs Server

    Query Docs is a comprehensive documentation system that integrates seamlessly with Query Server, allowing you to build beautiful, interactive documentation sites. This guide will walk you through how to set up and use Query Docs in your Query Server project.


    Query Docs provides:

    • A responsive documentation site with dark/light mode support
    • Full-text search functionality
    • Navigation between documentation pages
    • Code syntax highlighting
    • Support for error pages (404, 500)
    • Table of contents for easy navigation

    Quick Start

    1. Create a new project:
    # With pnpm
    pnpm dlx @qery/query create
    # With npm
    npx @qery/query create


    Select the docs project and follow the steps to create a new project.

    You will have a fully functional documentation website with a default theme and layout.

    1. Start the development server::
    pnpm dev

    Project Structure

    A typical Query Docs implementation consists of the following components:

    └── docs/                           # Root directory for documentation markdown files
    └── api/
    │   └── search/
    │       └── get.index.tsx           # Search API endpoint
    └── pages/
        └── docs/
            ├── [slug]/
            │   └── get.index.tsx       # Handler for top-level doc pages
            │   └── [slug]/
            │       └── get.index.tsx   # Handler for nested doc pages
            ├── components/             # Reusable UI components
            ├── island/                 # Client-side interactive components
            ├── 404.tsx                 # Not found page
            ├── 500.tsx                 # Error page
            ├── docs.tsx                # Main docs page template
            ├── get.index.tsx           # Root docs handler (redirects to intro)
            ├── handle-error.ts         # Error handling logic
            ├── styles.css              # Documentation styles
            └── types.ts                # TypeScript interfaces

    Key Components Explained

    We are going to explain the key components of the Query Docs created.

    Main Documentation Page

    The docs.tsx file defines the main template for documentation pages:

    export function DocsPage({ page, url, toc }: {page: DocumentationPage, url: URL, toc: Toc}): JSX.Element {
        return <html lang="en">
                {/* Meta tags and stylesheets */}
            <body class="flex min-h-full bg-white antialiased dark:bg-slate-900">
                <DocumentTemplate content={page.content} navigation={page.navigation as Navigation} toc={toc} />
                <Icons />
                <Scripts />

    Route Handlers

    Each route handler retrieves the right documentation page and table of contents:

    // For top-level pages: [slug]/get.index.tsx
    async function handleDocsRequest(req: Request) {
        const url = new URL(req.url);
        const slug = url.pathname.split("/").pop();
        const toc = getAssetData<Toc>("dist/docs/toc.json");
        const page = getAssetData<DocumentationPage>(`dist/docs/${slug?.replace(/\.html$/, "")}.json`);
        return response(<DocsPage page={page} url={url} toc={toc} />);

    Error Handling

    Custom error pages are implemented in 404.tsx and 500.tsx, with error handling logic in handle-error.ts:

    export function handleError(): ((req: Request, e: Error) => Response | undefined) | undefined {
        return (req, error) => {
            const url = new URL(req.url);
            const toc = getAssetData<Toc>("dist/docs/toc.json");
            if (error instanceof NotFoundError) {
                return NotFoundResponse({ origin: url.origin, toc });
            return InternalServerErrorResponse({ origin: url.origin, toc });

    Interactive Features

    Query Docs includes several client-side features implemented as islands:

    1. Dark Mode Toggle: Allows users to switch between light and dark themes.

    2. Search Functionality: Enables full-text search across documentation pages.

    3. Code Syntax Highlighting: Automatically highlights code blocks based on language.

    Documentation Format

    Your documentation pages should be structured as JSON files with the following format:

      "title": "Introduction",
      "description": "Introduction to Query",
      "content": "<div class='markdown-content'>...</div>",
      "markdown": "# Introduction\n...",
      "plain_text": "Introduction to Query...",
      "path": "/docs/introduction.html",
      "navigation": {
        "current": {
          "title": "Introduction",
          "url": "/docs/introduction.html"
        "next": {
          "title": "Getting Started",
          "url": "/docs/getting-started.html"
        "previous": null

    Table of Contents Structure

    The table of contents (toc.json) should follow this structure:

      "items": [
          "name": "Getting Started",
          "items": [
              "title": "Introduction",
              "url": "/docs/introduction.html",
              "level": 1
              "title": "Installation",
              "url": "/docs/installation.html",
              "level": 1
          "name": "Core Concepts",
          "items": [
            // ...

    Styling Your Documentation

    Query Docs uses Tailwind CSS for styling. You can customize the appearance by modifying the styles.css file. It includes:

    • Typography styles for documentation content
    • Dark mode support
    • Alert boxes styling
    • Custom scrollbars
    • Responsive layout for mobile and desktop

    Extending Functionality

    Adding New Components

    To add new components to your documentation:

    1. Create a new component file in the components directory
    2. Import and use it in your DocumentTemplate or other components

    Custom Interactive Features

    For client-side interactivity:

    1. Create a new .island.ts file in the island directory
    2. Import and use the island script in your main template