
The Deploy command in Query CLI allows you to easily deploy your Query project to a server.


query deploy [OPTIONS]


  • --env: Use environment variables for deployment configuration. If not specified, the CLI will prompt for required information.
  • --no-cache: Clear the deployment cache. If not specified, the cache will be preserved before deployment.

Environment Variables

When using the --env option or for non-interactive deployments, the following environment variables can be set:

  • QUERY_DEPLOY_URL: The URL of the Query server to deploy to.
  • QUERY_DEPLOY_TOKEN: The authentication token for deployment.
  • QUERY_DEPLOY_EMAIL: The email address for authentication (if token is not provided).
  • QUERY_DEPLOY_PASSWORD: The password for authentication (if token is not provided).

Interactive Deployment

If environment variables are not set and the --env option is not used, the CLI will prompt for the following information:

  1. Server URL: The URL of the Query server to deploy to. Defaults to http://localhost:3000 or the value of QUERY_SERVER_PORT environment variable.
  2. Email: The email address for authentication. Defaults to the value of QUERY_SERVER_ADMIN_EMAIL environment variable.
  3. Password: The password for authentication.

Deployment Process

  1. The CLI first checks for required environment variables or prompts for missing information.
  2. It then retrieves a user token for authentication if not provided.
  3. If the --no-cache option is used, the deployment cache is cleared by removing the .query/.cache directory.
  4. The query task deploy command is executed with the necessary environment variables set.

Cache Handling

By default, the deployment process preserves the cache before deploying. If you want to clear the cache (e.g., for clean subsequent deployments), use the --no-cache option:

query deploy --no-cache

This will clear the cache before deployment, ensuring a fresh start.

Error Handling

  • If required environment variables are missing when using the --env option, the CLI will display an error message and exit.
  • If there are issues retrieving the user token or during the deployment process, appropriate error messages will be displayed.


  • The CLI provides visual feedback during the deployment process using colored output.
  • A success message is displayed upon completion of the deployment.


  • The deployment process uses the query task deploy command, which should be defined in your Query project's task configuration.
  • Make sure your Query project is properly set up and configured before running the deploy command.
  • Consider using the --no-cache option for clean deployments when you know the cache is invalid (e.g., for a change of context from a local environment to a remote one).